I make a mission for us, and turn "ultraAI" on... The result... well it leaves us "sore". We make it through though.
-Mods Used:
Canadian Armed Forces(Weapons) - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=...
BTC Revive - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=...
Other Notes: I changed my render settings and my video quality should be MUCH higher overall from now on, but with great quality, comes great file size. This video was almost 20 gigs. Thank god I have fiber internet. It took me 1.5 hours to upload(started at 1115AM EST), but I have NO idea how long it will take youtube to process it. Hopefully it will be done sometime today :p
Like my facebook page for video updates(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester8...
Or follow me on twitter for video updates: https://twitter.com/Jester814
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Q:What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA mods do you use?
A: For ArmA 2 - ACE/ACRE are the core. Others include: DFS 3rd Person, Instantviewdistance, SMK Animations Lite, ST_Collision and ST_Evasive, and Blastcore WarFX. For sound: Vanilla mixed with JSRS. For ArmA 3 - Danish Military Advisors for the M4
Q: Can I join your unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older)
W: When will the 15th switch over to ArmA 3?
A: When it's proven to be un-buggy, playable, and has all modern USMC assets modded in. In short - Not soon.
- Official 15th Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealism...
This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive.
See www.bistudio.com for more information.
ArmA 3 Alpha Co-op Gameplay - "Into the Unknown" | |
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ARMA 3 Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 20 Mar 2013 |
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