(unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargoGlobal ["magazinename",count];
(unitBackpack this) addmagazineCargo ["magazinename",count];
This applies to all objects in backpacks; Use addmagazinecargoglobal, addweaponcargoglobal, additemcargoglobal, adduniformcargoglobal, etc, etc, etc.
In this video you will learn how to start the units in your missions, or even AI, with fully customized loadouts:
NOTE: Ranged optics such as Binoculars and Rangefinders are considered weapons, so use addweapon for them.
0:49 Overview
1:44 Getting Started
2:10 removeallweapons, removeallassigneditems, removebackpack, removevest, removeuniform
3:45 adduniform, addvest, addpackpack, addheadgear,
7:50 addgoggles
8:26 addmagazine, addweapon
10:24 addPrimaryWeaponItem - Addint attachments to your weapon
14:00 adding frags and smokes
14:33 additem and assignitem(map, compass, gps, NVGs)
16:28 Adding items INTO the backpack
18:33 Important
19:54 Final look and wrap up
-The whole box:
removeallweapons this;
removeallassigneditems this;
removeuniform this;
removevest this;
removebackpack this;
this addvest "V_TacVest_oli";
this addbackpack "b_kitbag_base";
this addheadgear "H_Cap_headphones";
this addGoggles "G_Shades_Black";
(unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",1];
(unitBackpack this) addmagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",1];
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag_Tracer";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag_Tracer";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag_Tracer";
this addmagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag_Tracer";
this addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F";
this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
this addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Holosight";
this addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";
this addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
this addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
this addmagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
this addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
this addmagazine "smokeshell";
this addmagazine "smokeshell";
this addmagazine "smokeshell";
this addmagazine "smokeshell";
this addmagazine "handgrenade";
this addmagazine "handgrenade";
this addmagazine "handgrenade";
this addmagazine "handgrenade";
this additem "nvgoggles";
this additem "ItemCompass";
this additem "itemgps";
this additem "itemmap";
this additem "itemradio";
this additem "itemwatch";
this assignitem "nvgoggles";
this assignitem "itemcompass";
this assignitem "itemgps";
this assignitem "itemmap";
this assignitem "itemradio";
this assignitem "itemwatch";
this adduniform "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls";
-Resources Used:
Like my facebook page for video updates(I actually check this one often): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jester8...
Or follow me on twitter for video updates: https://twitter.com/Jester814
Join my Steam Group(not automatically updated): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jest...
Q:What are your system specs?
A: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti (I run ArmA anywhere between 20-60 FPS, on med-high settings)
Q: What do you use for recording?
A: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio.
Q: Were you in the Military?
A: US Army 99-06, Radio Operator(25C). Non-Combat Veteran.
Q: Is that AI or real people?
A: If it's Wasteland or DayZ, it's real people. If it's an ArmA Mission it's AI unless I very specifically state otherwise. The 15th doesn't PvP.
Q: What ArmA mods do you use?
A: For ArmA 2 - ACE/ACRE are the core. Others include: DFS 3rd Person, Instantviewdistance, SMK Animations Lite, ST_Collision and ST_Evasive, and Blastcore WarFX. For sound: Vanilla mixed with JSRS. For ArmA 3 - Danish Military Advisors for the M4
Q: Can I join your unit?
A: 15th MEU Realism Unit: http://www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older)
W: When will the 15th switch over to ArmA 3?
A: When it's proven to be un-buggy, playable, and has all modern USMC assets modded in. In short - Not soon.
- Official 15th Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/15thmeurealism...
This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive.
See www.bistudio.com for more information.
ArmA 3 Editor Tutorial - Custom Unit Loadouts | |
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ARMA 3 Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 18 Mar 2013 |
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